Widening Joints
A Widening Joint is used to create a wide board from several narrower boards by joining them end to end. They are mainly used for making table tops or any project which needs a wider board than the boards you have available. There are a variety of different widening joints and each has their benefits. They are as follows:

This is a Butt Joint. This is the weakest of all the widening joints as there is nothing holding the board together except the glue. It is only used when the only joining resource available is glue.

This is a Tongue and Groove Joint. This is mainly used in floorboard as they are easy to join together and allow for the board to move if glue is not used.

This is a Biscuit Joint. The Biscuits are mainly purchased in bulk although it is possible to make your own. They are used in conjunction with glue to give a strong joint with little to no flexion.

This is a Domino Joint. Dominos are commonly used in Framing applications although when used for a Widening Joint, it provides great strength when used in conjunction with glue.