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Lesson 2


Using what you learned in the last lesson, this lesson you will be pairing up and exploring the features of two software programs and choosing the best one to create a 2 minute safety video for the tools in the workshop needed to construct one of the Joints you looked at last lesson.

Software 1 - YouTube

Experiment with uploading a small video to YouTube. If you think this software would be best for the task, you can begin making it.

Software 2 - GoAnimate!

Experiment by creating a small clip on GoAnimate! If you think this software would be best for the task, you can begin making it.

Software 3 - Padlet

Once you have created your safety video, click the picture on the left to access Padlet and upload your video onto the board for the whole class to see.

Extra Activities

If you have finished early, click the image on the left to complete some extra activities.

© 2014 Created by Aaron Madritsch

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